Under the sea mood board

Under the sea mood board

Burger Fast Food Mood Board. Независимо от того, если у вас небольшой балкон или просторный двор, есть бесконечные возможности для создания привлекательного отдыха на свежем воздухе. Wepik Редактируйте шаблоны Freepik.

They more often write letters or postcards. They enjoy flowers, lazy mornings, beautiful meadows, landscapes.

Under the Sea - Project Preview

Everything is brighter and more relaxed. Our design team created projects inspired by our moodboard. Our beautiful board inspired me to use a dark background and pink flowers. So, I decided to share with you those signs and superstitions that seemed to be the most relevant in our time. You probably have already heard about some of them, and you will learn about some for the first time. In any case, after reading this article, you can refresh your knowledge in this area and learn something new for yourself.

The first and most widespread myth among sailors says that a woman on a ship means trouble!

Thomas Wolfe – Wikipedie

There are several explanations for this superstition. One says that the ship in English is feminine and, they say if a woman is on the ship, the ship itself will be jealous.

Another says that since sailors stayed for a long time on board and far from the land, carnal desires began to prevail over reason, and a woman on a ship could become a bone of contention and, to prevent certain unacceptable acts, women were not taken on board, and the sailors stoically stayed at sea among their own kind. It seems to me, the second reason is more plausible, what do you think? Now I know a lot of women who travel with their husbands around the world I am one of them , and many women-skippers who successfully manage their ships, sometimes know even more than men and feel great in the sea.

So in our times, this myth has been completely debunked. Women were not the only ones who were disliked on board, but bananas also. Sailors still believe that bananas on board mean a bad catch. Mysticism and fairy tales, you will say! However, this superstition can be explained.

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Many people know from their own experience that even green bananas ripen very quickly. What is more important, they make the fruits and vegetables that lie next to them ripen faster. And if something ripens fast, it also quickly goes bad. To prevent this, sailors tried to deliver the bananas to their destination as quickly as possible. For this reason, the skipper sailed fast, not even stopping to catch fish from the sea.

Cats onboard were always welcomed, since where there is a cat, there are no rats. To this day, you can meet people who have a fluffy sailor on board! The next superstition is about Friday.

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It is believed that going to sea on Friday the day of the crucifixion of Christ , especially on the 13th, is unlucky. But in the Russian navy, it is believed that taking off the anchor on Monday especially on the 13th means trouble. I cannot prove or disprove these superstitions. We went out to sea more than once on Friday and Monday, and nothing terrible happened to us.

Another belief is that a sailor with different eyes is unfortunate. I can say that for 5 years that we have been traveling we had only one sailor with different eyes one green, the other brown and during his presence onboard our anchor winch broke. Some of the oldest sea superstitions are associated with tattoos.

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With the help of them, sailors tried to ingratiate themselves with the gods and return home safely. Good luck was brought by the image of the sea a symbol of hope , a black cat, a four-petaled clover, a horseshoe, and other symbols. Most often, religious symbols crucifixes, images of saints, etc. Many sailors had tattoos with a star between their index finger and thumb.

Also in the US Navy, it is believed that a person with a pig and a rooster on his left foot will never drown. According to the ancient belief, an earring protects against loss of sight and rheumatism, and at a later time, sailors who passed by Cape Horn began to have it.

My husband passed Cape Horn in his early youth as part of the crew of a ship sailing around the world, so he has a well-deserved earring in his ear! Не требуется кредитная карта. Не нужно расторгать контракты. Никаких загрузок. Никаких скрытых расходов. Продукт Новый Универсальная платформа для создания презентаций Редактор презентаций. Online PPT Viewer. Платформа для создания и публикации цифровых материалов. PDF Editor Suite. Редактор документов. Редактор электронных таблиц.

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