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When he died in , his body laid in state in the Rotunda of the Kentucky State Capital. Sarnoff, David - Russian-born American broadcasting executive, he started as an office worker with Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company, which was later absorbed by the Radio Corporation of America.

Savalas, Telly - Actor who became famous as the bald police detective who was strong on the outside but gentle inside - and always had a lollypop in his mouth. His brother George was an actor also. Schmitt, George J. Congressman from Brooklyn, NY Scott, Sir Walter - Novelist and poet, his journal is an important record of the times in which he lived. Seaton, Scott - American film actor.

Service, Robert W. One of his most famous pieces is the tone poem, Finlandia Simmons, Robert - U. House of Representatives Formerly Connecticut State Representative.

Simpson, Russell - Prolific American film actor, he had a long career spanning from to Sitter, Carl L. At the time of his death, he was attending Virginia Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Education and was scheduled to receive his Master of Divinity Degree a month later. His clown paintings are exceptional pieces of art. His famous "Pledge of Allegiance" talk can be found here. Smith, Joseph - Founder of the Mormon Church. We have a page about Mormonism and Freemasonry right here.

Smith, John Stafford - Composer, and musical scholar, born in England. Soboleff, Walter A. He made a fortune, and, with his wife, founded and endowed Leland Stanford, Jr. Today, it is the most important award in professional hockey given to the team winning the National Hockey League championship. Stassen, Harold E. He was replaced in this office by another Mason, Trent Lott.

Stotz, Carl E. Stimson, Mark - Self-taught real estate agent, he created the largest network of real estate companies in the state of Maine. Stutz, Harry C. He resigned three years later and while traveling to Ecuador to be installed President of that country, was assassinated. Well known for his liberation efforts of Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.

Sumarkov, Alexandr Petrovich - Russian dramatist and poet. Though largely based on contemporary French models, his plays mark the emergence of Russian theater. Swayne, Noah H. Air Force, he was approved for nomination for high office by the Senate six times without a dissenting vote.

He later served as Senator from Missouri.

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So conspicuous was his record as a soldier during that War that he was accorded the distinction by Congress of being permitted to enter either the Senate Chambers or the floor of the House and enjoy any privilege of either.

Teets, John W. Thomas often told the story of how physicians at his hospital explained to him the need for a very unique therapy for a patient at St. Thomas told the doctors to proceed with the treatment, regardless of the cost. When he was advised that there would be no cost, Mr. Thomas was shocked and vowed to find out more about this organization. Shortly thereafter, he petitioned and became a Mason.

Prior to his death, he was featured in videos and wrote articles praising the good works of Freemasonry. Both privately and publicly, however, he did extensive work promoting the cause of orphans, something he had been in his own youth.

His mentor in the restaurant business was another Mason, Col. Harland Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken fame. Thomas, Lowell - American radio commentator during both World Wars and broadcast a nightly news program for over 45 years He wrote and lectured widely on his travel adventures and brought Lawrence of Arabia to public notice.

Trachtenberg, Stephen J. Travis, Colonel William B. Truman, Harry S. He came to national attention heading what was called the Truman Committee, which investigated government wartime production and saved taxpayers millions of dollars. He became vice-president in Roosevelt, another Mason; he would go on to win a close election in The most active Mason to hold the highest office in the United States. Vinson, Frederick M. Wadlow, Robert Pershing - Tallest human on record being almost 9 feet tall, Wadlow was proud of his early acceptance by DeMolay and from his activities there, determined to be a Mason also.

Wagner, John Honus - "The Flying Dutchman", he is considered the greatest shortstop in the history of baseball. Wagner, Sidney - Hollywood cinematographer. Wainwright, Jonathan M. Wallace, Governor George C. Masonicinfo Note: Anti-Masons enjoy pointing to George Wallace as a representation of racial discrimination, ignoring the great majority of the population of non-Masons who also espoused such positions at the time, including perhaps even their own relatives both then and now!

They also overlook the change in his later years and the fact that those whom he stood against were to later praise his humanity and recognize his change in heart Walker, Charlie - Country music singer and legendary member of the Grand Ole Opry Walkes, Jr. Wallace, Lewis - American military leader and writer. At the close of the War, he was a member of the court that tried those accused of conspiring to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln.

Killed in Their citation referred to Brother Wanamaker as: "Philanthropist, statesman, eminent in the councils of the nation, Christian Leader, and constructive genius who on the basis of the Golden Rule, by thought and practice has revolutionized the business methods of merchants of the world. John - First of the Episcopalian faith to enter Missouri and organize his people. Warner, Glen Scobey "Pop" - Famous football coach, credited with originating the single and double wingback formations.

Warner, Jack - One of the brothers who created the American motion-picture production company known as Warner Brothers. They were the first to use sequences of sound in a silent feature film. Warren, Joseph, M. His love of Freemasonry is documented by his close reliance upon other Masons in the execution of his duties. Following his death, his widow sent locks of his hair a common practice of the time to Masons throughout the country and such revered treasures were the object of great appreciation.

To this day, a lock of his hair sent to the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts is carried in a golden urn preceding the entry of the Grand Master at the Annual Meeting of the Grand Lodge. Watson, Thomas J. Wayne, John - "The Duke" - One of the most popular actors of recent years.

Webb, James E. Webb, Matthew - First man to swim the English Channel Webb, Wellington - Mayor of Denver, Colorado. Wentworth, William Carles - Well known for his exploration expeditions into the interior of New South Wales, he was also the editor of the first newspaper in Australia.

Wesberry, James P. Died in Wescott, Joseph H. Whiteman, Paul - American conductor who introduced symphonic jazz to a general audience and became known affectionately as the "King of Jazz". Woodbury County Iowa is named for him. Woods, William B. Woodward, Carl R. Wootton, Percy, M. Young, Brigham - Founded the Mormon Church in Utah Young, Cy - American baseball player, he pitched for 22 seasons and was, perhaps, the greatest pitcher in the history of the sport.

The memorial by his family notes his Masonic affiliation above all other accomplishments! In addition, there have been a few who were thought to be Masons simply because of their affiliation with other Masons. Neil Armstrong - American astronaut who as commander of Apollo 11 became the first human being to walk on the moon July 20, has been cited by some as having been a Mason.

It appears that the confusion may have resulted from the Masonic membership of his father. No one has been able to provide the name of the Lodge to which Armstrong might have belonged. David O. No proof of this has ever been found and immediately after his death in , his non-membership was confirmed by his widow, Lady Olave Baden-Powell, by his daughter Betty, by his brother Major David Baden-Powell who was a Mason and also by V. Lord Somers, who succeeded Baden-Powell at the head of the scout movement.

Kerr, The myth seems to continue despite this, however, despite many attempts to debunk it. You can find one such discussion on this page of the pen-ultimate B-P web site. Realistically, the link between Shakespeare and Bacon has never been definitively proven nor was Freemasonry in its present form existent.

There are a number of books about this imagined connection. Head here and check their bibliography page using the Search function of your browser to locate them.

Before his death in , Bro. Thurston selected Dante as his successor. The confusion probably arises from the swearing in ceremonies at his inauguration when he took his oath of office on the George Washington Bible which belongs to St.

Johns Lodge in New York City. Because the Bible belonged to a Masonic Lodge many writers assumed he was a Freemason. Other presidents who took their oath of office with this Bible were Warren G. Harding, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Jimmy Carter. Bush is not presently rumored to be a Mason. He had wished to take his Oath of Office on the same Bible as used by his father when he became President but the inclement weather was such that the custodians of the Bible from St.

Johns Lodge 1 in New York concurred with President-elect Bush just moments before the ceremony that it would have placed the priceless treasure at too great a risk.

Accordingly, a family Bible was used instead. All recipients of the award are announced publicly at the annual Scottish Rite meeting the year before the award is actually presented.

The presentation is done at the next annual meeting. Since printed proceedings of both Annual Sessions are sent to thousands of Masonic bodies throughout the world, a simple review of them would clearly show no such presentation. In fact perhaps ironically? The next time you see such information, ask the claimant to produce evidence that James Cameron is a Scottish Rite Mason. Chiang Kai-Shek is highly prominent and highly revered in all aspects of Taiwanese daily life but, although often rumored to be a Mason, was not.

The stories are untrue. Former U. President Bill Clinton is not a Mason. He was a member of the Order of DeMolay, a youth group sponsored by Masons and during his membership was the presiding officer Master Councilor of his Chapter. Clinton - during his presidency - maintained a level of popularity with the citizens of the United States and the world which was unprecedented in modern history.

Walt Disney - World famous cartoonist, Walt was a DeMolay a fraternal organization for young men sponsored by Freemasonry. He did not, however, join the Masonic organization. Rumors circulate continuously about this and some have proven quite tantalizing. No one, however, has been able to produce the name of a lodge to which Walt might have belonged. The organization quickly grew out of hand, being abused by wild youth attempting to use it for purposes of looting and pillage. Forrest disbanded the group and it ultimately died.

Under the rules of the Grand Lodge of Tennessee, he would not have been considered a Mason. The attempt to link him to Freemasonry is made by those who want association of the current racist organization to the fraternity. Such attempts ignore history and facts in their entirety. We have other comments about the KKK here. Graham is frequently identified as a Mason by religious intolerants whose ideology is different from his. They feel, apparently, that connecting him with Freemasonry will smear his outstanding abilities and his life-long commitment to his faith.

In the earliest days of the world wide web we seem to recall it was about , a listing of famous Freemasons appeared on the web site of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, USA.

Graham in attendance. Since Shaw never received the degree Read about it here! Since that time, though, unsubstantiated claims have flown about on the internet and one of the most frequent questions we receive dealing with specific individuals concerns Dr. The simple fact - as substantiated by his organization - is that he is FAR too involved with his ministry to devote time to any other organization.

Graham would love to have the time to immerse himself in fund raising for a cure for cancer or helping the elderly but his calling gives him precious little time for anything else.

Like other recognizable leaders who are not Masons, Dr. Graham has from time to time been present at Masonic or Masonic-family events. Regretfully, most of those who insist that Rev. Graham is a Mason are those who want to smear both him and the fraternity. Bob Hope the American comedian and film actor, noted for his unflagging devotion to entertaining American military troops overseas for over 50 years sometimes appears on lists of Famous Masons.

Gani Hernandez, Jr. Hope is not a Mason. President Thomas Jefferson was, at several points during the past two hundred years, identified as a Mason.

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Jefferson was involved in Revolutionary matters with many who were Masons and the appearance of the Jefferson name in Lodge record books of the time gave credence to the assumption. President Lyndon Johnson received his first degree on October 30, After receiving the degree he found that his congressional duties he was elected to Congress in took so much time he was unable to pursue the Masonic degrees.

President Abraham Lincoln was not a Freemason. He applied for membership in Tyrian Lodge, Springfield, Illinois shortly after his nomination for the presidency in However, he withdrew his application because he felt that his application for membership at that time might be interpreted as a political tactic to obtain additional votes. Lincoln, as we know, never returned.

On the death of the President, Tyrian Lodge adopted, on April 17, , a resolution to say " Revolutionary Thomas Paine who arrived in the Colonies in and whose fiery pen was said to ignite the Revolution and help shape the country we know today is sometimes thought to be a Mason, presumably because of his affiliations with Benjamin Franklin and Nicolas deBonneville. Those who take this tact ignore two salient points: the first was that Paine - although writing strongly against the Christianity of the day - never denied God!

The second point ignored was that there is no evidence whatsoever to support the claim that Paine was a Mason. Some have charged that his tombstone appears as a keystone a symbol used in Royal Arch Masonry , that there appears on the stone a crown and cross and that the stone is in the shape of a pyramid. Those who make the claim do so for their own ends ignoring the fact that the cross and crown have long been symbols of Christianity, that the pyramid is often used in onedimension view to represent the Trinity etc.

Accusations of sexual and financial improprieties, for example, dogged him throughout his adult life. Those attempting to condemn Russell based on Masonic membership fail to produce any credible evidence of his membership and his supporters use faulty logic in arguing against it. Russell is not mentioned in any Masonic reference works, a unique situation indeed if he were a Mason based on his fame.

Oh, and did we mention? President Ronald Reagan has sometimes been referred to as a Freemason but he is not. He was also then made an Honorary Scottish Rite Mason. However, since the title of Freemason can only be conferred by a Grand Lodge of Masons, President Reagan should only be referred to as a Shriner he is also an Honorary Member of the Imperial Shrine due to his extensive work with that organization over the years or as an Honorary Scottish Rite Mason.

Santa Anna - Mexican army general and President. We have more about him here. Shah of Iran Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi - a long-time friend to the US and its allies, he was forced to leave his country when it was taken over by Muslim fundamentalists under the regime of Ayatollah Khomeini. In some quarters, he is presumed to be a Mason. This Mason writes "However, the younger of his two sons from his 3rd wife is a Freemason.

And the Shah was therefore suspect of these individuals and played both sides -- on the one hand encouraging their existence but also several years before the revolution "exposing" the Freemasons via the SAVAK secret police and hired journalists. What we seek is Lodge Name and Date. If you can help, please let us know. Our thanks to Wor. Gerald Edgar for his work in researching this matter! Footnotes: 1Thanks to Bro. Jacques Huyghebaert for his information on this matter, oft repeated online each time the question arises!

Got a question about someone else? Masons are no different. They ignore the fact that Arnold was among those patriots of the American Revolution who were whipsawed back and forth by political intrigue and infighting causing him to be both hurt and resentful at the manner in which he was treated.

In so doing, he actually became a hero for his military actions in Canada. His military actions, however, were executed in a way as to save many lives and it is because "victors write history" that he is now regarded as an arch-villain by Americans. The story is often repeated as to how he supposedly would sit in the dugout filing his cleats and pointing with them at opposing players in order to intimidate and gain an advantage.

Like many of his contemporaries, he reportedly had racist tendencies as well. Playing at a time when there were few rules, his behavior may seem horrific to us only in retrospect since it appears he was well received by those of his own time. We note here, however, the dissention which surrounds any laudatory comments made about Brother Cobb after whom a Scottish Rite Class was named in and who received an honorary life membership in a Masonic lodge in the midst of his playing career Brother Cobb, whose father was also a Mason, joined Freemasonry in at the age of Henry Ford invented the automobile which changed the world.

For the first two-thirds of his life, he achieved amazing things unequalled by men before or since.


In the last third of his life, however, his behavior and activities cast a dark shadow which caused all of his former good to be questioned. Put simply, his later life was not lived in accordance with Masonic principles. Mills was taken to task for his behavior by his Masonic Lodge and admitted his long struggle with alcoholism. From the heights of power, Brother Mills fell - but he admitted his shortcomings and overcame them and was welcomed back to the Fraternity. He was, after all, defending the laws of his state but emerging social conscience judged his actions wrong.

A product of his times and his environment, Wallace did what he deemed appropriate: it was, however, wrong. Now anti-Masons point to Wallace as a bad example of Masonry.

What they fail to acknowledge, however, is the constant pain and suffering Wallace endured after the assassination attempt AND the fact that he has subsequently apologized for his actions, an apology accepted by those involved! George Wallace was wrong but he certainly paid for his error in a way even the most cruel should not wish on anyone.

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